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How cycling makes you smarter and happier
#Cycling Benefits Hero Cycles Team | Feb 16, 2021

Cycling makes happier
How cycling makes you smarter and happier
Cycling is a great activity. If you have not been living under a rock, you must have witnessed a larger number of people taking an active interest in cycling. We all know how cycling helps us to maintain our overall health.
But do you know that cycling increases your memory and keeps you happy? Learn how cycling offers many mental benefits! For beginners, it helps in releasing happy hormones. To keep yourself happy and increase your mental power, invest in a cycle.

Cycling grows new brain cells
Cycling helps in growing new brain cells
Studies show that just like exercise is good for your body, it acts like a fertilizer for your brain. When you pedal, you force nerve cells inside your brain to fire up. These create protein-like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and a compound called ‘Noggin’ which promote the formation of new brain cells. You end up increasing the production of neurons—literally building your brain. As we age, our brains shrink and those connections weaken. Exercise restores and protects the brain.

Smart Cycle Ride
Plan a smart ride
A lot of scientific studies have concluded that too little cycling leads to your brain not getting what it needs to work optimally. Too much of the same and your body has sapped the glucose and other resources it needs. The best way to maintain a sharp mental acuity is cycling anywhere between 30 to 60 minutes.

Cycling for Good Mood
Elevates your mood
Apart from keeping your mind sharp, cycling offers several emotional benefits. It tends to elevate your mood, relieves you from anxiety and increases stress resistance. For a long time, scientists have carried out studies which show that just like psychotherapy, exercise works well in the treatment of depression. What's the prescription for happiness in terms of cycling? Do three to five sessions a week. Each session should be 45 to 60 minutes long and keep your heart rate between 50 and 85 percent of your max.
Improves brain power
Once you cross the 20 to 30 minute mark, other mood-lifting chemicals like endorphins kick in. In other words, regular cycling helps in keeping hormones like adrenaline and cortisol in check, which means you will feel less stressed and you will bounce back from anxiety-filled situations more easily.

Cycling bond with friends
A great way to bond with your family & friends
One of the best ways to spend quality time with your loved ones as well as keep yourself active is through cycling. Get together with your family members and friends and plan a cycle ride. Choose a time which suits you all. We guarantee you that by the end of the ride, you all will be ecstatic.
Start your day on a happy note with cycling. It not only keeps you happy, but it also energises your mind. We, at Hero Cycles, offer a wide range of bicycles for children, men and women. If you are planning to get a cycle, do check out our website. Happy cycling!
The end.