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How to take care of bicycle in monsoon
#Careandmaintainance Hero Cycles Team | Jul 20, 2021

How to take care of bicycle in monsoon
Monsoon is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. However, for cycling enthusiasts, riding a cycle on a rainy day can be an uphill task. You have to encounter poor visibility as well as dodge potholes. But if you are looking for an adventure-filled ride in the mountains or outskirts of the city, a geared cycle can be pretty useful for you. For beginners, a geared cycle allows you to make multiple combinations of gears. So if you are riding on a hill, you can use lower gears to help you pedal faster, but without exhausting your legs. Similarly, if you are cycling on a flat surface, you can pedal at higher gear ratios for an effortless and fast ride.
The best part about geared cycles is that they help you to maintain a cadence- that is the rate at which you pedal per minute.

Bicycle in Monsoon, Title – Cycling in Monsoon
Advantages of the Geared Cycle
a) Geared cycles help you change the gears as per different terrains, making all your rides more comfortable.
b) Geared cycles help you accelerate faster as compared to non-geared ones.
c)And you can go on long distance, adventurous trails as these bikes cover a larger distance without leaving you exhausted.
Riding a geared cycle on a rainy day is all about embarking on adventurous rides. To make sure that you get a happy and safe riding experience during the downpour, we have listed down 6 tips on how you can take care of your geared cycle.

Clean you Cycle, title – Cycle Cleaning Tips
Tip no 1: Clean your cycle after every ride ASAP!
Once you come back from a ride, make sure to clean your cycle as soon as possible. Leaving a bike muddy after riding in the rain just means more work later. While your bike is wet, at least spray it down to get mud and grit off the frame, tires, chain, and derailleur before it dries and hardens.

Cycle Chain Lubricant, title – Cycling Tips
Tip 2: Show your chain some TLC!
Out of all the parts on your cycle, your chain arguably takes the biggest beating after riding in the rain, so don’t forget to give it some Tender Loving Care.
Here is how you can clean your chain at home.
Step 1: Clean the chain and gears with a soft-bristled brush to get some of the grime off
Step 2: Pour some degreaser into a cloth and run it through the chain and wipe everything dry so it doesn’t rust.
Step 3: Before you head out on your next ride, apply a little e-cycle lubricant so it’s good to go.

Cycle Tyre Pressure, title – Cycle Tyre Pressure Tips
Tip no 3: Reduce Tyre Pressure
You will realise eventually that when the roads are wet, keeping the tyre stuck to the ground can become a very difficult task. With less friction between the tarmac and the tyre, consider reducing pressure by at least 10 – 15 psi. This drop will help increase the lost traction and make cornering better.
Tip 4: Use brakes earlier than you normally do
During the monsoon season, cyclists tend to lose close to 30 % braking power due to the wet rims and brake pads. So in case, you have to slow down or halt, use your brakes a little earlier than you normally do.
Tip 5: Keep a safe distance from other cyclists and cars.
The next important thing to remember when you are cycling on a rainy day is when your brakes are not working at optimum efficiency, and you face a lot of potholes, make sure to keep a safe distance from other cyclists and cars. This will help you to stay alert and avoid potholes or vehicles that halt suddenly.
Tip no 6: Carry spare tubes in place of puncture kits
During the monsoon season, punctures are right around the corner waiting to make your life difficult. Carrying a puncture kit and trying to fix it in the rain can be frustrating. So why to waste time when you can simply carry extra tubes and change it.
Every now and then, it is a good practice to check your bicycle for signs of damage. A worn out bicycle chain, overused brake pads, headset and wheel play, worn out cables, seized bolts could cost you a lot of money if not checked and replaced/serviced at the right time.
We hope you find these tips useful. Don’t forget to check out Hero Cycles’ wide range on our website. Happy riding!