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Mental Health Benefits of Cycling and How It Boosts Immunity
#CycleMoreLiveMore Hero Cycles Team | Jun 17, 2021

The key to good health is happiness and the best way to experience joy is through cycling
The key to good health is happiness and the best way to experience joy is through cycling. Several studies in the past one decade have shown that cycling offers significant emotional and mental benefits.
Apart from the physical benefits of cycling and how it boosts your immunity, cycling adds to the emotional well-being of an individual. Let us take you through some key benefits.

Cycling Fights Anxiety
Cycling Fights Depression, Anxiety and Self-Esteem Issues
Several long term studies have shown that high levels of activity helps in fighting depression. One of the easiest activities to do, cycling daily for 20-30 minutes also tends to alleviate anxiety. It has also been reported in scientific studies that regular physical activity such as cycling can boost overall self-esteem.

Cycling Lowers Stress
Cycling Lowers Stress
Studies have also shown that cycling tends to lower stress. Anyone who has spent considerably long hours stuck in office traffic will vouch that it is indeed a stressful situation. In some countries, people have actually let go of their cars and started riding to office or running errands in a cycle. A study shows that individuals who exercise regularly are more resistant to the emotional effects of acute stress, which can also help prevent many mental diseases commonly associated with chronic stress.

Cycling Boosts Happiness
Cycling Boosts Happiness
If you have been cycling regularly, you must be aware of all the good feelings you get while you are riding. While this can be attributed to runner’s high and all those endorphins released in your brain following physical exertion, a study shows that even as little as 20 minutes of exercise can boost a person’s mood for up to 12 hours. All you need to do is get your heart rate up to at least 112 beats per minute while you ride to get those happy feelings for the rest of your day.
Now that you know how cycling boosts your mental health, pick up your cycle and go for a ride. At Hero Cycles, we offer a wide range of cycles for women, city bikes and children bicycles. Checkout our website-
Happy riding!